As our environment can affect the way our skin looks and feels in a whole host of different ways, tweaking your skincare as the seasons change can help you to achieve a youthful glow and an even looking complexion all year round.
How Can Autumn Weather Affect Skin?
As we transition from summer into autumn and winter, it is common for our skin to start looking dull and dehydrated as we spend more time inside with the central heating on. Additionally, the changing weather can result in the buildup of dead skin cells, which can trap bacteria and oil beneath the skin’s surface and lead to breakouts. But the good news is that making a few simple changes to your morning and evening skincare routine is all it takes to keep your skin healthy, hydrated, and fresh.
Choose Chemical Over Manual Exfoliants
Many manual exfoliants, which use small particles to exfoliate the skin, can be too harsh at any time of the year, but this is especially true as we move into autumn and winter when our skin is generally more sensitive. But it is still important to exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cells and keep both dry patches and breakouts at bay. Skincare treatments such as chemical exfoliants are an excellent way to treat skin that feels tight and looks flaky, as it will gently remove dead skin cells and boost the skin’s ability to retain moisture.
Give Your Skin a Hit of Vitamin C
Vitamin C can help your skin to retain that gorgeous summer glow all throughout autumn and winter, giving you an even complexion in terms of both skin tone and texture. Plus, it will also stimulate collagen production in the skin, which will help it to hold on to moisture and offer protection against environmental stressors and free radicals.Ask Dr Wafaa about our wide range of vitamin C treatments which are rich in the effective L ascorbic acid and are known worldwide for their amazing results.
Increase Hydration
Our skin can be significantly more sensitive in the cooler months, which is exacerbated by the added dryness many of us will experience, particularly in the areas where the skin is at its most delicate, including around the lips and eyes. Adding a super hydrating skin care product or treatment into your autumn winter skin routine will help you to maintain moisture levels and avoid that uncomfortable sensation of tightness that indicates skin is struggling to stay hydrated. Hyaluronic acid is an excellent ingredient to look out for as it can hold many times its weight in water, which will lock in moisture and keep your skin stay feeling fresh and looking radiant.
Don’t Forget your SPF
The sun emits harmful UV rays all year round, so it is important to protect your skin every day, even when the weather is cloudy or overcast. During the cooler months, you may prefer to use an SPF with a slightly more hydrating formulation which will provide you with the protection you need without leaving your skin feeling tight and undoing all the hard work that the rest of your routine is performing. There is different types of SPF and you can choose which one you would like once you know the difference and the effects it has on your skin. Dr Wafaa El Mouhebb will be always present to answer your questions about skincare whether via virtual consultation or via a face to face assessment at the clinic in Reading.
Finally To ensure that your skincare routine is fully meeting the needs of your skin, we offer one-to-one skin consultations where we can discuss any concerns and create a bespoke plan that will help you to achieve your skin goals. Simply contact the clinic and the team will help you to arrange your appointment at a time that best suits you.