Beautiful, vibrant skin that glows with vitality need not be a pipe dream. Obviously, we all have different skin types, so the regime we use to look after our skin will vary. But here, Dr Wafaa has put together her 10 Top Skincare Tips – and best of all, they are all easy and affordable. Trust me, these we all need to know about!Dr Wafaa’s Top 10 Tips to Beautiful Skin
Tip 1: Hydration for your skin:
Drinking at least six cups of water daily will ensure that your body has what it needs to keep your skin healthy. Hydration – British Nutrition Foundation.
Tip 2: Sunscreen to protect skin:
Many people don’t realise that UV rays are harmful to your skin all year round, not just in the summer months. Using an SPF moisturiser daily will protect your skin from the signs of premature ageing and sun-related skin damage.
Tip 3: Sleep for your skin:
Getting in enough Zzzs is crucial to how we feel. It affects both our mood and our skin. The optimal amount of sleep is 8 hours per night – and you should get at least six. Struggling with sleep? Here are some additional great tips: How to fall asleep faster and sleep better – Every Mind Matters – NHS (
Tip 4: Easy pimple treatment:
Use toothpaste! This is one of the cheapest and most cost-effective ways to treat spots. Dab a small amount on the pimple and wait for it to dry before washing off. This assists with drying it out, which should speed up the healing process. It’s important to note though if you are experiencing a breakout, it is always best to see your GP or a skin specialist.
Tip 5: Dispel dark under eyes:
From lack of sleep to ageing, these bags of darkness are a curse that affects many of us. There are natural remedies that can help treat these. An alternative to those slices of cucumber is the humble teabag! Use a cold teabag previously soaked in hot water. Place it on your closed eyes and relax for ten minutes – this is a natural tonic for tired eyes – plus, you get to drink a cup of tea too! A win, win.
Tip 6: Exfoliate for skin radiance:
Removing dead skin cells remains a vital skincare tip for a healthy and vibrant complexion. You may already have a favourite exfoliation treatment, but for those looking to experiment, there are many popular recipes you can make at home, which you can tailor to your skin type. You can find some great ideas here. For best results and depending on your skin, a scrub should be routinely carried out to your body/face once or twice a week
Tip 7: Ban the tan:
The sun is a great source of vitamin D, but overexposure is harmful – and tanning is one of the most ageing activities we humans do. Moderation is the key to keeping you and your skin looking youthful for longer.
Tip 8: Routine is king for your skin:
The key to radiant skin is setting up a skincare regime and sticking to it: daytime and night-time. For many of us, there is some trial and error as we discover the best products to suit our skin – but once we have unearthed them, the next step is consistency! This can be as simple as cleansing, toning and moisturising daily – to feed your skin and keep your complexion glowing.
Tip 9: Eat to treat your skin:
I’m afraid the treat here is not chocolate bars but filling up on skin-fortifying food that keeps you looking and feeling fabulous. For the best skin results, look for foods loaded with vitamin C like kiwifruit, strawberries, oranges, broccoli, kale and antioxidant-rich choices like whole grains, nuts, seeds and even cocoa – see, a little chocolate doesn’t hurt!
Tip 10: Naturally soft lips:
This is cute. We all get dry lips in the wintertime. Keeping a soothing lip balm handy is a great solution – but if you get caught short, did you know honey acts just as well? Dab some on your lips and smooth them together and then leave it for a while before removing it. The results? Naturally smoother lips!We hope you have enjoyed Dr Wafaa’s top 10 tips for healthy skin – it is great to know that we can stay looking fabulous with these natural and accessible solutions.
Dr Wafaa is an expert in anti-ageing, dermatology and aesthetic treatments. Get in contact with any questions or skincare needs to discover the right solution for you.